Sunday 15 February 2009

Brighton - Project 5(a)

''All around us there are multiple stimuli. We are continually bombarded by information which we sift to allow us to identify what is important, and we ignore the irrelevant. We choose to listen to our companions, but not the conversations of those on the next table, or the roar of traffic. We find our way to the bus stop in a new town, across pavements full of people and roads full of moving vehicles, we cross kerbs, pass bollards, lamp posts and signboards, without collision. Each country, and town has spatial qualities that are unique, that allow us to be sure of our location. Even if we are strangers to a place, the characteristics of that place tell us it is not one we know. We understand places as distinctive, having their own character, and we hold mental maps of places we know which allow us to navigate and understand our environment. ''

Day visit to Brighton on 10th February

Railway station skating
Despite what it says, its not actually my restaurant

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