Friday 29 January 2010

Growing Communities at Castle Climbing Centre


As part of my 3rd Focus Week I decided to take part in a day of volunteer work at the Growing Communities organic vegetable plot near Finsbury Park in centralish London.

On Tuesday 26th Jan a group of Kingston Uni Landscape Architecture students from all years took a trip across London to help out. The day I was there the site was in its early development stages, with only a few areas cleared for planting. We spent most of the day, well I did anyway, tearing down bushes, clearing branches and generally making as much room as possible for the proposed garden areas.

Growing Communities is a collaboration of gardeners, farmers, activists and generally eco-motivated people looking to produce as much organic fruit and veg for communities within the metropolis that is London. I find it encouraging to see how just how much demand and enthusiasm there is for organic, and locally sourced food in London now-a-days with social enterprises like Growing Communities springing up all over Greater London and beyond.

If you have a passion for organic food and want to meet similar people, take a trip down to Stoke Newington Farmer's Market every Saturday at William Patten School, Stoke Newington Church Street, London, N16 0NX. 10am to 2.30pm.

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